The Roller Coaster Ride of Life
St. Moritz, Switzerland
This past month of racing hasn’t gone quite the way I would have like it to. Like many sports, ski racing is full of ups and downs, many factors swaying the outcomes. Weather won out at times, and we weren’t able to compete. My skiing wasn’t what I had hope for, but I had to stay positive. I am a true believer in good energy and positive mental power, the power of one’s mind. I had to stay confident in my skiing if I wanted a chance. Finally, St. Moritz, Switzerland provided new opportunities.
My fun encounter with the fence.
I was skiing very fast in training and finally once again everything felt right. Race day I gave it my all but caught an edge, propelling my body into the net at 60 mph. You win some and lose some, and I was lucky to have only suffered a knee sprain. Forgetting the crash, I will take the confidence into my next races. When I would get down on my non-existent results, I would remind myself just how fortunate I am. The life that I am getting to live is amazing, my love for skiing and the places and experiences it has provided for me.
Cortina, Italy
The men’s ski team lost lost two amazing guys who skied into an avalanche in Austria. Hitting us all hard, we had to take a step back and reflect on their impacts they have made in our sport. Ronnie and Bryce were two of the nicest, loving boys around who had such a passion for skiing it was contagious. This left us wondering why things like this happen. Sometimes we get caught up in our sport and forget the true reason we ever got involved. These boys will never be forgotten, and we will all be ripping down mountains in their honor!
Honoring our Bryce and Ronnie.
Now I am in the USA reflecting on the roller coaster my trip was, at times throwing my hands high screaming while enjoying the ride, other moments feeling sick like I wanted to throw up (caught a cold at one point). In the end, even scared at moments, I still had a heck of an exciting ride. Next up is World Championships in Vail/Beaver creek, Colorado. I am beyond grateful and blessed to get this opportunity to join in the festivities and represent my country, competing among the best in the world! Stay tuned!!!