Cheers to a New Year!
The first American podium sweep in World Cup history!
Happy New Year everyone, as it is quickly approaching! It is the time of year to reflect on the past 12 months, whether it was good or bad. Most people scheme up fun/silly ideas for their New Year’s resolutions. I remember mine last year was to give up desserts…didn’t last long as we headed straight to Europe and into enticingly mouthwatering treats. Maybe my will power will be stronger this year;) More importantly, instead of making resolutions a daunting job, I think we should look at it as a time for a healthy new habit. Eventually, the habit becomes a normal part of your day. Then you’ll start to think in terms of every day as fresh start and not just once a year. As humans, we grow, get older year by year, and evolve. Being able to reflect is crucial in learning and growing. Whether we seize them or not, the New Year is sure to bring new challenges as well as new opportunities. This is exciting because it proves that no matter what life throws at you, the power is in your hands to make what you want of it. As long as you keep your mind open, work hard, and embrace it, anything is truly possible.
That is sure to be the biggest lesson I have learned this year. Looking back at the year in skiing for me, it proved that having big goals, dedication, and hard work can get you anywhere as long as you believe. I just saw the new movie Unbroken, about a man named Louis Zamperini, who through all odds fights the toughest obstacles. He came out stronger from being an Olympic runner to surviving a plane crash, 47 days drifting on a raft in the Pacific, and being tortured as a prisoner of war at a Japanese Prison camp. If he could endure that, I feel I can conquer anything. It was so inspiring, and I would highly recommend it.
Val D’isere, France Downhill Race
This past year I was able to accomplish so many of my childhood dreams, from starting in my first World Cup to representing my country in the Olympics. It truly was incredible and I am grateful I could share it with my family. They have shown me so much love and support, helping me reach my goals. Especially my Uncle Jim, who saw me race in my first World Cup at Beavercreek before passing this summer. I would not be where I am today without my family and I am truly grateful to have them in my life.
This past first month of racing has come and gone so quickly. Seems like yesterday we were training in New Zealand. I've had some racing ups and downs. I did really well on my first race in Lake Louise, but since then have struggled to put one in there. I know my time will come as long as I keep a positive mind set and continue to work hard. I strive to become better every day, and therefor am not worried.
Training in Beavercreek, CO before heading to France.
Let the New Year be a symbol as a new chapter in our book of life. It is just waiting to be written, growing as the story goes on with age. We can help write that story by setting goals and being proactive. Get out there, experience life, and have no regrets. There is so much to see and learn. I am just finding out that I have only just touched the surface…
The one thing I know for sure is that with a New Year beginning, it brings plenty of glorious snow-storms of white promises.
Bring on 2015!!!