Woes to Wins
Word Champs Super Combined
After my last long journey in Europe, I am now finally back in the US. I sit here reflecting on my races pondering what I could have done differently to have had better outcomes. Did I not prepare enough, was my focus lacking, or simply was my skiing just not good enough?
I can sit here and beat myself up in my head debating my reasonings. My conclusion is that I must not focus on the past and what I cannot change. Instead, let it go and focus on my future and what I can do differently. Ski racing is brutal with all the ups and downs that come with the sport. It seems inevitable to have more downs than ups. I have found that in order to be successful you have to find a way to make a positive in every every situation. Learning from your past is a big aspect of moving forward and evolving. You benefit from every experience whether you realize it or not, positive or negative.
Women empowerment through Sport!
Looking back what bothers me the most is the promise and hope this season held. I was skiing the best I had and more ready than ever. The expectations were higher and I was ready with full force, eager to make a big splash. Not living up to my expectations and accomplishing my goals, I feel that I have let people down who were supportive, and believed in my abilities. I am grateful for my family and friends who love me no matter my results. I truly tried my best and that is all I could have done. I am comforted by knowing as long as I keep working hard, the results will come. I need to no longer be the young rookie who is wide eyed. After my first full season on the World Cup tour it is clear that there is nothing I can't handle and should be intimidated about. At times, I skied bad, others conditions were not in my favor, as well as young mental errors I need to fix. After being frustrated countless times I know it is momentary and I can't be hard on myself. Although I am not proceeding in the path at the moment I had envisioned, I still have more racing ahead of me. I had hoped to make it to World Cup finals in Mèribel, France, but now I must give it my all and finish the season strong at Nor-Am finals/US Nationals in Sugar Loaf, Maine. I am committed to ending the season strong and giving it every ounce that I have left. I'm excited and looking forward to more opportunities to compete. Racer Ready...GO!!!!!!
Feeling like Mountaineers!
Bankso, Bulgaria
Being tourists and checking out Castles!
Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria, Germany. This castle is what Walt Disney replicated the infamous Disney Castle from!