Tackling The New Season
Family Photo
Once again a new season has kicked off and we are in full swing. It's my favorite time as we get to ski our little hearts out and see the results of our off season grind. This summer was a tricky one for me as I found an 8mm tear in my left patella tendon with severe tendonitis. It was hard to face this reality, as I had been pushing my mild knee pain for the past 6 month thinking it was no big deal. Looking at it as a positive, I was glad I had time to tackle this thing head on. It was tough to miss two on-snow training blocks, but I took it as an opportunity to really improve my weaknesses. Let's just say I have never done so much physical therapy and band work in my life.
Through this process, I feel like for the first time I've really listened to myself and I have taken the lead in my own racing career. It's been great to really understand my body more and figure out what I need and how to accomplish that to be the best athlete I can be. I had a wonderful team of Physical Therapists from our training center in Park City, in addition to Rose City Physical Therapy at home in PDX. I was grateful for the amazing support & I was psyched to spend a lot more time in Oregon. To all my Portland peeps, if you're ever in need of therapy, Rose City Physical Therapy is da place to be!!!!!!
Super G in Saint Moritz, Switzerland
Laurenne & I rockin’ our ugly sweaters
It was a little unsettling being off snow for three months, with the race season quickly approaching. Once November came, I had a short window to get back on snow to see how the knee felt. I was blown away by how terrific and strong it felt. Of course, it's all relative. I couldn't complain about my situation compared to what my teammate Laurenne was going through with her brutal knee injury she sustained in March. This, however, was my first knee problem I've ever had to deal with, so it was all new, and three months felt like forever.
Power outages in Lake Louise
It was nice to get racing a month later and to get the built-up nerves out of the way. Getting to see everyone again on the tour from all different countries is always a good time. I'd like to think I know many languages, but really it's just a word in each. Let's be honest though, I am still working on my English ;)
Anyways, the first three stops had some challenges with weather and such, but all in all it was a great time to be back with friends traveling the world skiing. I can honestly say that I feel so lucky to call ski racing my job. I'm enjoying some time home for the holidays with family, and then I'm back to Europe very soon!!!
Lindsey’s 78th Win
It was awesome to see everyone on our team have a solid early season result!! I hope 2018 continues to bring competitive unity, adventure and success for our squad!